2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists grammar课时作业(2)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists grammar课时作业(2)第3页

  If a teacher asks you a question,you are expected to give an answer. If you do not understand the question, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. It is all right to tell your teacher that you do not know the answer. Then he or she knows what you need to learn.

  There is no excuse for not doing your homework. If you are absent, you should call your teacher or your classmates and ask for the homework. It is your responsibility to find out what homework you have missed.

  It is impolite to eat,drink or chew gum during class. This is allowed for the break. Removing one's shoes in the classroom is also impolite.

  You must not be absent on a test day. If you are seriously ill, you must call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test. If your teacher allows a make-up(补考), you should take it within one or two days after returning to class.

  It is rude to be late. If you must come in late,be sure to do it quietly by having your books and papers out of your bag, then go to your seat and sit very quietly. In the US, it is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom. Most teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.

  Copying another student's test or paper is never acceptable. It is called cheating. Students who cheat are kicked out in most schools.


  1.What is the purpose of the passage?

  A.To introduce some American classroom customs.

  B.To explain how to communicate with others in America.

  C.To introduce some social manners in America.

  D.To help you learn more about American culture.

  答案:A 主旨大意题。文章主要谈到课堂上回答问题、做作业、课堂不当行为、考试、迟到等几个方面的问题,由此可见A项切题。

  2.According to the passage, which of the following is considered the most serious fault?

  A.Being absent from a test without a reason.

  B.Not finishing the homework on time.

  C.Cheating in exams.

  D.Fighting with your classmates.

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,考试作弊能导致学生被开除这一结果,由此可推知C项切题。

  3.According to the passage, you can have a make-up once ________.

A.you have paid the fee for the make-up