河北辛集中学2018-2019学年 高一上学期第二次月考英语 Word版含答案
河北辛集中学2018-2019学年 高一上学期第二次月考英语 Word版含答案第2页

6.What is the woman worrying about?

 A.Her work. B.Her exams. C.Her health.

7.What does the man advise the woman to do?

 A.Work harder. B.Do some exercise. C.Have enough sleep.


8.When is the man's ticket to the French painting exhibition?

 A.Today. B.Tomorrow. C.The day after tomorrow.

9.What do we know about the woman?

 A.She invites the man to go with her. B.She bought the ticket herself.

 C.She is an art lover.


10.What kind of game was it?

 A.A football game. B.A basketball game. C.A baseball game.

11.Who ran the fastest?

 A.Carl. B.Gary. C.The man.

12.What do we know about the man?

 A.He's not a good player. B.His ankle was hurt in the game.

 C.He watched the whole game.


13.How many members does the International Friends Club have now?

 A.About 50. B.About 30. C.About 15.

14.What activity does the club have on Thursday evenings?

 A.A sports event. B.A language class. C.A get-together meal.

15.What day's language evening should the woman go to?

 A.Friday. B.Wednesday. C.Tuesday.

16.What do we know about the woman?

 A.She wants to find a job there. B.She has many friends there.

 C.She is new there.


17.What does the man do?

 A.He is a painter. B.He is an engineer. C.He is a weatherman.

18.What does the man think of his job?

 A.Easy. B.Tiring. C.Dangerous.

19.Why does the man love his job?