广西省龙胜中学2018-2019学年高二上学期11月段考英语试卷 Word版缺答案
广西省龙胜中学2018-2019学年高二上学期11月段考英语试卷 Word版缺答案第5页

27. What do people generally think of anger?

A. It is a helpful tool. B. It is a negative feeling state.

C. It is likely to improve creativity. D. It is important in social situations.

28. What does Dr* Ernest Harburg's study imply about anger?

A. It needs a way out. B. It should be avoided.

C. It can cause sudden death. D. It must be kept under control.

29. What does the author suggest we do when we're angry?

A. Find out its cause, B. Ignore it.

C. React to it violently. D. Express it reasonably.

30. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A. Ways to Control Anger. B. Benefits of Mild Anger

  C. Anger Isn't Always Bad. D. Anger Does Affect Health



  When we were children, we were taught the simplest lessons to be able to build good relationships with others. _31 However, the question is: What makes a good relationship?

Be willing to share

Once you are in a good relationship, you are not just thinking about yourself. You learn to share what you have. 32 You should also share your thoughts, your ideas, your dreams and even your frustrations.

Learn to care

People in a good relationship are kind to each other. They make efforts to show how they value each others' space. They both take the time to know what matters to the other and also give time to try out each others' interests 33 .

Learn to play fair

. _____34 Each one is allowed to move freely as an individual However, each action is done with consideration of the other one's feelings. No one is above the other.


A healthy union is bound by cooperation. The people involved work as a team to achieve one goal. Each one helps and supports the other to succeed in their individual endeavors. They appreciate each other and they grow together and as individuals as well.

A. Learn to cooperate

B .learn to work hard towards your goal

C A good relationship is a two-way traffic.