
 A. Shanghai B. Xian C. Tianjin D. Chongqing

32. Shanghai is the _____city in China.

 A. tallest B. biggest C. smallest D. busiest

33. The underlined word "point" means _______.

A. 想法 B. 点 C. 内容 D. 主意

34. Beijing has more _________ than Shanghai.

A. places of interest B. buildings C. wide streets D. people

35. Which is right?

  A. Shanghai is the capital of China B. The buildings in Beijing are taller than in Shanghai

  C. Shanghai is the largest city in China. D. Shanghai has more places of interest.

第II部分 非选择题部分



  36. Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some i_________ about the lost plane.

  37. To keep healthy, it's n______ for us to exercise more.

  38. Tim is __________ (friend) than Tom.

  39. It is important not ___________ (接触) drugs (毒品).

  40. I can't see the word _________(clear).


  hard men strong shine with walk he try warm take

The sun says he is stronger than the wind.The wind says he is stronger than the sun.A man is ___41___ down the street _____42___ a hat and coat on.The sun says."Let's see who can make the ____43____ take off( 脱下) his hat and coat.If you can do that , you are ____44____ than me."

Now the wind starts to blow.But the ____45____ it blows,the tighter(紧紧地) the man holds his hat and coat.The wind can't make the man ___46___ off his hat and coat.

Now the sun ____47____.He ____48____ warmly.Soon the man takes off ____49____ hat.Then the sun shines more ____50____,and the man takes off the coat.

So the wind says,"That's all.You are stronger than me."

  41._________ 42. _________ 43. __________44. ___________45. _________

  46. _________ 47. ________ 48. _________ 49. ___________ 50. ________


  I think it's fun to have twin friends. I have two friends. They are twin brothers, Tim and Tom. They look the same and a lot of people don't know which is which. They both have brown hair and blue eyes, and they always wear the same jeans and T-shirts.

  They enjoy wearing the same things, and they like doing the same things, too. For example, they both like pop music, playing soccer and computer games. They go to watch soccer games every weekend. They'd like to play computer games every night, but their mother says they can't , because they have a lot of homework to do. They're twins, but they aren't the same in every way. For example, Tim works hard at school, but Tom doesn' t. Tim runs faster than Tom. (53)Tom is __________(serious) than Tim.

  (55) 我真得不介意我的朋友是否与我一样还是不同。I love them.

51. What's the best title of the passage? ________

A. Tim and Tom are the same.

B. My twin friends.

C. Should friends be the same or different?

52. What do Tim and Tom have to do at night?(回答问题)


53. 用单词的适当形式填空。_____________

54. Tom doesn't work hard at school, does he? (回答问题,并翻译答语。)

①回答问题________________________ ②答语翻译_________________________________

55. 根据提示词将划线部分翻译成英语。提示词:care




提示:1. 比以前高多了,更健康了;2.性格变得更外向了,交了更多的朋友;3. 我把更多的时间用在了学习上; 4. 上周参加了英语比赛,获得了第一名(the first prize);5. 我认为,只要我们更加努力学习,我们就会取得好成绩。

要求:1. 用上所有提示内容;2. 字数:70词左右(开头和结尾不计入总词数)。

Dear Linda,

  Long time no see! I also miss you very much.________________________________________________


  Come to visit me if you're free.


Liu Lan