湖南省长沙市铁路一中2019届高三上学期第三次阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案
湖南省长沙市铁路一中2019届高三上学期第三次阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

A. In the library. B. At home. C. In the lab.

7. What is the man's major?

A. Psychology. B. Physics. C. Maths.


8. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. They are brother and sister. B. They are roommates. C. They are lovers.

9. Why didn't the man invite the woman at first?

A. He was embarrassed about her presence.

B. He thought she had other plans.

C. He wanted her to go out with her friends.

听第8段材料,回答第 10至 12题 。

10. What is the name of the cat?

A. Alice. B. Lola. C. Jenny.

11. What is Alice's advice for the pregnant woman?

A. Name her baby what she wants.

B. Make her sister get another cat.

C. Find another name for her baby.

12. Why does the woman read the advice page?

A. To feel better about herself. B. To get good advice. C. To be entertained.


13. How many people went on the trip together?

A. Four. B. Twelve. C. Eighteen.

14. According to the man, what is most important on family trips?

A. Having some privacy.

B. Spending time with the children.

C. Visiting as many places as possible.

15. What is the closest city to where the man stayed?

A. Cordoba. B. Madrid. C. Sevilla.

16. How does the man feel about the trip now?

A. Quite tired. B. Very grateful. C. A little disappointed.


17. Who is the intended audience of this announcement?

A. Staff at children's organizations.

B. Young people who want to volunteer.

C. People who have given money in the past.

18. How much money of the donations will go to services this year?

A. 85 %. B. 95 %. C. 100%.

19. Which program would be funded by this foundation?