2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future grammar课时作业(3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future grammar课时作业(3)第3页

  During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day. 3 ,it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run. 4 .After two weeks,start timing yourself. 5 .Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.

A.After six days

B.For a good marathon runner

C.Before you begin your training

D.With each day,increase the distance by a half mile

E.If they still feel good,you can begin running in them

F.Time spent for preparation raises the quality of training

G.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time





1.as 句意:人们认为事情会变得更糟,但是实际上事情正变得更好。as it is 意为"按现状;实际上"。

2.pressure 句意:现代生活的快节奏带给他极大的压力,所以他决定回到他出生的安静的乡村生活。great后加名词。

3.on 句意:人们已经召开会议讨论旅游对这个地区的野生动物的影响。