2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业 (9)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land learning about language 课时作业 (9)第2页

  B.make a computer model of a Cuvier's beaked whale's head

  C.make sure that sound travels through the head

  D.know more about the way the whale hears

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知研究者拍X光片的目的是为了更好地研究柯氏喙鲸的听力特点。

  3.Which of the following describes the way taken by sound waves through a Cuvier's beaked whale?

  A.A hole in the back of the jaw→the ears→the jaw→the throat.

  B.The jaw→the throat→a hole in the back of the jaw→the ears.

  C.The throat→the jaw→the ears→a hole in the back of the jaw.

  D.The ears→the throat→a hole in the back of the jaw→the jaw.

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知柯氏喙鲸听力的过程为B。

  4.According to the passage, we know that________.

  A.the throat is important to the Cuvier's beaked whale's hearing

  B.ships send out sound waves like a Cuvier's beaked whale

  C.the ears are actually useless to the Cuvier's beaked whale

  D.the researchers haven't found how the whales hear

  解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可推断喉咙对柯氏喙鲸听力很重要,故选A。


  For years, the giant squid (大王乌贼) had remained a modern mystery.Living in the dark depths of the ocean, the creature is difficult for scientists to observe directly.It had also managed to avoid all attempts to film it.That changed last July: for the first time ever, scientists were able to catch the giant squid on video in its natural habitat.They were amazed by what they saw.The scientists filmed the squid in the North Pacific Ocean, south of Tokyo, Japan.They followed it down to a depth of 2,952 feet.They shot more than 23 minutes of video before the squid swam off into even darker depths.The video footage will be released to the public later this month on The Discovery Channel.

  Tsunemi Kubodera, a zoologist at Japan's National Museum of Nature and Science, led the team that filmed the squid.The team went into the ocean in a small submarine with lights invisible to both humans and squid.Since giant squid eat smaller squid, the scientists released a small squid as bait (诱饵).Then the scientists waited in the pitch black for the giant squid to approach.

The color video shows the creature floating vertically, eating the bait squid.The giant squid is 9 to 10 feet long and is missing its two longest tentacles (触须).With those tentacles, it could have measured up to 26 feet long.It has huge black eyes, the size of dinner plates, "It was shining and