2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour language points课时作业 (2)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour language points课时作业 (2)第3页




  About the year 1900, a small, dark­haired boy was often seen waiting outside the back entrance of London theaters. His name was Charlie Chaplin. He looked thin and hungry __1__ his blue eyes were determined. He was hoping to get work in show business.

  When Chaplin couldn't get __2__, he wandered about the city __3__. He found food and shelter __4__ he could. Sometimes he was __5__ to a home for __6__ who had no parents. He was cold and miserable there and the children were beaten for the __7__ fault.

  By the time he was thirty, Chaplin was the greatest, best­known and best­loved __8__ in the world. Chaplin's films have __9__ a large audience in various __10__. Even people who don't understand English can __11__ Chaplin's films because they are mostly __12__. It isn't what he says that makes us laugh. It depends upon little __13__ that mean the __14__ thing to people all over the world.

  Having lived in America for forty years, Chaplin __15__ to Switzerland. There he died on Christmas Day 1977. He once __16__ himself as a citizen of the world, __17__ of any particular country.

  He once wrote,"You have to believe in yourself. That's the __18__ of success. Even when I was in the children's home, when I was __19__ about the streets trying to find enough food to __20__ to keep alive, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world."


  1.A.but          B.and

  C.or D.because

  解析:选A 空格后的"determined"和前面的"thin and hungry"形成对比,故此处用but表示转折。

  2.A.chance B.opportunity

  C.work D.task

  解析:选C "work"与上一段的"He was hoping to get work in show business."对应。

  3.A.shops B.streets

  C.factories D.homes

  解析:选B 由于没有工作,卓别林在城市的"大街(streets)"上徘徊。

  4.A.whenever B.however

C.whatever D.wherever