【100所名校】内蒙古集宁一中2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析
【100所名校】内蒙古集宁一中2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析第4页

   C.Getting rid of them may improve your well-being.

   D.High school can be filled with anxiety and emotional pain.

   E.However, cigarettes and alcohol also have some advantages.

   F.Fortunately, there are always tips to help you stay on a healthy path.

   G.To function properly, your body and mind need at least eight hours of sleep each night.


   It was an unusual night. The noisy Mexico City gradually calmed down. The main stadium of Olympic track and field competition was ___21___in the darkness. The marathon winners received the trophies (奖杯) and___22____the victory and then, Stanley, a world-famous news producer, found the stadium___23___. He was about to leave___24____he suddenly saw that a bandaged man, whose right leg was____25__with the blood, ran into the stadium. This man ran ___26__ and slowly, but he didn't stop. After he ran along the track for the last__27____and got to the finish line, he__28____on the ground.

   Stanley was very__29___and went over to ask. The young man, called Kowari from Tanzania,___30___gently, "That my country sent me here from over 20,000 kilometers is not to let me give up halfway in the___31__, but makes me____32___the game.___33____I've fallen behind all other runners, I have a sacred goal like them. I will run to the goal! The ___34____won't cheer me any more, but my___35____is watching me in the far distance..." Tears welled up in Stanley's eyes. Soon, he spread the most____36___scene to every corner of the world.

   In the daily life, everyone may have a ___37___of reaching the peak, but few can make it __38____. It is not whether we can reach the top but whether we've made the greatest___39____that counts. To reach the goal in the____40___is also a success.

   21.A.supported B.enveloped C.reduced D.planned

   22.A.celebrated B.predicted C.designed D.matched

   23.A.busy B.empty C.strange D.similar

   24.A.while B.before C.once D.when

   25.A.caught B.spotted C.found D.witnessed

   26.A.lamely B.sadly C.peacefully D.cautiously

   27.A.field B.event C.lap D.court

   28.A.jumped up B.stood out C.kept in D.fell down

   29.A.upset B.nervous C.disappointed D.curious

   30.A.yelled B.ignored C.replied D.shouted

   31.A.competition B.fight C.cheer D.ceremony

   32.A.complete B.perform C.admire D.watch

   33.A.As B.Because C.While D.If

   34.A.runners B.judges C.audience D.listeners

   35.A.father B.motherland C.team D.coach

   36.A.disappointing B.confusing C.touching D.heartbreaking

   37.A.dream B.comment C.signal D.stadium

   38.A.run out B.come true C.make sense D.take action

   39.A.steps B.measures C.plans D.efforts

   40.A.hand B.flesh C.distance D.mind









   It is reported that many people died in traffic accidents every year. Road safety has aroused the wide attentions of the public. Many rules have made to reduce the traffic crashes, especially the one related to the passers-by. In my opinion, we should take road safety serious in our daily life. While traveled to work, we should walk on the pavement and learn to protect ourselves. In addition to, car drivers should obey the traffic rules, that is both good for themselves and others.

   In the word, obeying the traffic rules are what all of us should pay attention to particularly. After all, life is not a small matter.


   42.假定你是校学生会主席李华, 为了帮助你校外国交换生更好地了解中国传统文化,学生会将举办迎中秋活动。请根据以下提示用英语向他们作口头通知。


   地点:报告厅(Lecture Hall)

