免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷15
免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷15第3页

 3 Let me ________the floor.

4 _________the TV. Let's watch a football match.(足球赛)

5 We _________a new picture every year.(每年)

6 ________the door. ww w. Xkb1 .coM

五 情景对话(15分)

( )1 当你的同学Amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:

A Let's clean the blackboard. B Let's clean the classroom.

C Let me clean the classroom.

( ) 2 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

A What's in my school? B Who's this? C Where's my schoolbag?

( )3 当你看到Chen Jie 的教室特别大时,你会说:

A It's so big. B It's so nice. C It's so beautiful.

( )4 你想说我们都是好朋友,你会说:

A She's my good friend. B We are good friends.

( )5你想把Li Yan介绍给你的朋友Lisa,你要说:

A Li Yan, this is my friend Lisa. B Lisa, this is my friend Li Yan.

六 连词成句(15分)

1 me, clean, the, blackboard, let,(.)


2 in, the, is, what, classroom,(?)
