河南省扶沟县第二高级中学2018-2019学年高一下学期第一次考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
河南省扶沟县第二高级中学2018-2019学年高一下学期第一次考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页

  C . Being a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior .

  D . Sometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping .

  E . Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car , pick it up .

  F . People tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting .

  G . Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.



  When I was about 12 , I had an enemy . A girl liked to point out my 41 . Week by week her 42

grew : I was very thin ; I wasn't a good student ; I talked too much : I was too 43 , always feeling superior to others , and so on . I tried to hear all these as long as I could . 44 , I became very angry . I ran to my father with 45 in my eyes .

  He listened to me 46 , and then he asked , " Are the things she says true or not ? Janet , didn't you ever 47 what you're really like ? Well , you now have that girl's 48 . Go and 49 a list of everything she said and mark the points that are 50 . Pay no attention to the other things she said . "

  I did 51 he told me . To my great 52 , I discovered that about half the things were true . I couldn't 53 some of them ( like being very thin ) , but there were a good number I could - and suddenly I wanted to change . For the first time I had a fairly 54 picture of myself .

  I brought the list back to Daddy . He 55 to take it . " That's just for you , " he said . " You know the truth about yourself 56 than anyone else . But you have to learn to 57 , not just close your ears in 58 , feeling hurt when something said about you is true , and you'll find it of help to you . Our world is full of people who think they know your affairs . Don't 59 your ears . Listen to them all , but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do . "

  Daddy's advice has always 60 me at many important moments . In my life , I've never had a better piece of advice .

  41 . A . qualities B . weaknesses C . strengths D . marks

  42 . A . list B . body C . fear D . trouble

  43 . A . silly B . friendly C . dull D . proud

  44 . A . In other words B . Above all C . As a result D . At last

  45 . A . tears B . pains C . promises D . wishes

  46 . A . gratefully B . personally C . quietly D . hopefully

  47 . A . wonder B . prove C . learn D . doubt

  48 . A . excuse B . advice C . discussion D . opinion

  49 . A . take B . make C . create D . receive

  50 . A . wrong B . correct C . big D . true

  51 . A . as B . since C . before D . till

  52 . A . surprise B . delight C . relief D . sorrow

  53 . A . seek B . accept C . admit D . change

  54 . A . wonderful B . clear C . interesting D . beautiful

  55 . A . decided B . refused C . expected D . agreed

  56 . A . wider B . higher C . better D . worse

  57 . A . listen B . stand C . speak D . share

58 . A . peace B . anger C . shyness D . silence