2019-2020学年人教版必修五unit 5 first aid Reading课时作业
2019-2020学年人教版必修五unit 5 first aid Reading课时作业第2页

  C.donate D.purchase

  7.A.determine B.explore

  C.adjust D.replace

  8.A.successful B.energetic

  C.alive D.confident

  9.A.team B.project

  C.symbol D.world

  10.A.button B.motor

  C.phone D.finger

  11.A.running B.dancing

  C.sleeping D.singing

  12.A.tired B.nervous

  C.weak D.hungry

  13.A.opportunity B.challenge

  C.pleasure D.reward

  14.A.besides B.otherwise

  C.therefore D.though

  15.A.athlete B.engineer

  C.tourist D.policeman

  16.A.coach B.guide

  C.partner D.granny

  17.A.got in touch with B.thought of

  C.played a joke on D.turned to

  18.A.remind B.congratulate

  C.defend D.thank

  19.A.praying B.practising

  C.performing D.crying

  20.A.noticed B.met

  C.understood D.respected

  语篇导读 35岁的奥运亚军Henze因车祸离世,患心脏病的67岁老太Balthazar成功进行了心脏移植手术,Henze的心脏在Balthazar的身体里重新跳动了起来。

  1.解析 B 根据下文可知,Balthazar身上是移植的(transplanted)心脏,故选B项。

2.解析 C 根据下文可知,Balthazar因为患有严重的心脏病,几乎是已经走到了