【302edu解析】四川省泸州市2019届高三下学期第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语试题 Word版含解析
【302edu解析】四川省泸州市2019届高三下学期第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语试题 Word版含解析第3页

C. She's dependable.

16. Where will the man probably do volunteer work?

A. At a TV station.

B. On a conslrurtion site.

C. At a sporting goods store.


17. Where are the students told lo eat during lunch?

A. In the gym. B. On the court. C. In the cafeteria.

18. When will the math exams be held thia year?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Thureday. C. On Friday.

19. Who will give on introduction on Tuesday?

A. An athlete. B. The P.E teacher. C. The P.E. teacher.

20. Why are parents reminded to arrive early for the concert?

A.To find a place to park. B. To get a place to sit.

C.To take piclurea.




  This year promises to be an exciting one for technology and science. There' s a line-up of great products for you to look forward to.

The Air Board 1.0

  The Air Board 1.0 is a fantastic new way to get around. The board works when you step onto the pressure pads. To turn? All you have to do is move your weight to the left or right. It can travel at the speed of 10 miles an hour and it takes one hour to be fully charged. The power will last for about ten miles.

The Oculus Rift

Have you ever wished you could walk through the world of your games,seeing things as your characters would? Well, now you can. This clever headset Rift allows you to see the world of your games in 3-D.