上海市普陀区2019届高三上学期期末质量监控英语试题 Word版含答案
上海市普陀区2019届高三上学期期末质量监控英语试题 Word版含答案第4页

are likely to (46)________ or persuade us.

Stoke found that people who had already responded (47)________ when asked if they would like to attend mediation seemed to change their minds when the mediator used the phrase. "Would you be willing to come for a meeting?" "As soon as the word 'willing' was used, people would say: 'Oh, yes, definitely'-they would actually (48)________ the sentence to agree." Stoke found it had the same effect in different settings: with business-to-business cold callers; with doctors trying to (49)________ people to go to a weight-loss class. She also looked at phrases such as "Would you like to" and "Would you be interested in". "Sometimes they (50) ________, but 'willing' was the one that got people to agree more rapidly and with more enthusiasm."

"'Hello' is a really important word that can change the (51)________ of a conversation," Stoke says. "It's about how you respond to people who are what we call 'first movers' - people who say something really (52)________," "It might be the work colleagues who are extremely angry to your desk with a complaint or the neighbor who (53)________ rude words about parking as you're putting out the bins." "What do you do with that person? Rather than respond in the same manner, saying something nice, such as a very bright 'Hello!', socializes that other person a little bit." Use it when you want to resist getting into a (54)________. "You have to be careful not to sound too passive-aggressive," Stoke says, "but just one friendly word in a bright tone can delete the (55)________ of the conversation."

41. A. suggest B. realize C. imply D. emphasize

42. A. analyzed B. addressed C. simplified D. discovered

43. A. instructions B. revolutions C. associations D. negotiations

44. A. get into B. turn away C. go against D. insist on