《302edu发布》江苏省华罗庚中学、江都中学、句容中学、省扬中高级中学、溧水高级中学2018-2019学年高一上学期12月五校联考试题 英语 扫描版含答案
《302edu发布》江苏省华罗庚中学、江都中学、句容中学、省扬中高级中学、溧水高级中学2018-2019学年高一上学期12月五校联考试题 英语 扫描版含答案第3页

W: Yes, most mornings I look at some newspapers or some great speeches and read them out. My memory is the best in morning hours.

M: Now I know why you are such an excellent public speaker!

W: Practice makes perfect. Do you know how a player like Michael Jordan gets to be so good? By taking thousands of jump shots every day.

M: That's true. And guess what? I've signed up for this year's Beijing International Marathon.

W: Nice! Are you going to run the whole course? It's around 42 kilometers, right?

M: Yes. I was thinking of doing 20 kilometers, but I finally made up my mind to do the whole thing. It will be a great chance for me to get out and experience Beijing's golden autumn.

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Lauren was happy to spend a quiet morning out on the lake. She loved going there. Living in the city was so stressful, but at the lake, she could relax. She sat in her small boat, fishing. She loved to fish. Her grandfather had taught her how to fish, and it was something that reminded her of him. She made sure to go fishing at least twice a year. Suddenly, she felt the fishing rod(钓竿) move in her hand. She had a fish on the other end! Being very careful, like her grandfather had taught her, she slowly started pulling the fishing line in. Finally, she pulled the line all the way out of the water. She had caught a huge fish! It would make a delicious breakfast. Her dog Barney was in the boat with her. He did not move, though. He wanted to sleep. It was still early in the morning, not even seven o'clock. But this was the time her grandfather had said was the best time to fish. She always made sure to look up at the sky to thank her grandfather every time she went fishing and caught something. She started rowing her boat back home. It was time for breakfast!