湖北省荆门龙泉中学2018-2019高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
湖北省荆门龙泉中学2018-2019高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

 C. They are all done with computers.

  12. What definitely happened at the show?

A. The magician used mirrors for his tricks. B. The magician disappeared and never came back.

C. The magician was in the middle of the audience.


  13. What is the woman listening to?

A. A poem. B. A popular band. C. The man's favorite song.

  14. What does the man dislike about the song?

A. The music. B. The topic. C. The words to the song.

  15. What does the woman probably think in the end?

A. She's not having a good time. B. She's confused about the man's ideas.

C. She agrees with what the man says.

  16. According to the man, what should music express?

A. Intelligent opinions. B. New ideas. C. Great feelings.


  17. How high is the highest mountain in New Zealand?

A. About 3700 meters. B. About 1600 meters. C. About 1000 meters.

  18. Why did half of the native animals die?

A. People hunted them for food. B. They couldn't find enough food.

C. They were killed by the new animals.

  19. What is the nickname for New Zealanders?

A. Maori. B. Kiwis. C. Mount Cook.

  20. Where do most New Zealanders live today?

A. On the North Island. B. On farms. C. On the South Island.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


A British education official has urged primary schools in his country to return to the traditional "whole class teaching" method in order to reproduce its success in China, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday.

Having a teacher speak to the class as a whole from the front is much more effective than trendy student-centred learning. Minister of State for Schools in the British Department for Education Nick Gibb said.

Gibb added that he would like to see schools across Britain adopt "whole class teaching" methods, particularly in math and science.

"Whole class teaching" methods, also known as "chalk and talk" teaching, was primarily used in Britain until the 1950s when it was branded authoritarian(专制的) and replaced with the 'child-centered' approach. Under the new system, pupils are encouraged to 'discover' knowledge by themselves at their own pace, often in small groups, with the teacher offering them support.

The "whole class" teaching has proven popular and effective in China. In Chinese primary schools, pupils sit in rows of desks facing the teacher and blackboard. Videos showed that teachers