免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit2 My schoolbag》练习检测复习试卷11
免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit2 My schoolbag》练习检测复习试卷11第3页


1. have, I , Chinese, books, three ( . )


2. in, it, what's ( ? )


一、 选择合适的选项补全对话。

Sarah:Excuse me. __________

Miss White: What colour is it?

Sarah: _________

Miss White: OK. What's in your pencil box?

Sarah: __________

Miss White: Here it is!


二、 用a 、an填空

1.I have _______bag.

2. Here is _______apple for you.

3. He has_______English book.

4. This is _______pen.

5. She has_________cute panda.


( )1.当你想知道玲玲的手里有什么东西时,应这样问:_________

   A. What's in your school? B. What's in your hand?

( )2.你想说你的书包是黄绿相间的,应该这样表达____________

A. My schoolbag is yellow and green.

B. My schoolbag is black and white.

( )3."把你的铅笔盒放在书包里。"应该这么表达:_____________

A. Put your pencil box in your schoolbag.

B. Put your pencil box in your desk.