2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案(3)
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案(3)第1页

Unit 2 Language language points学案


1.Research ____________(表明)that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.

2.Our music class ____________(组成)of 12 Chinese and 8 American students.

3.There are two ____________(官方的)languages in Canada:English and French.

4. I'd like to say that his ____________(发音)is much better than before.

5.It is certain that the ____________(进程)will be slower than expected.

6.It is said that the situation in Iraq is out of __________ now.

7.A new ____________ will be set to guide this business.

8.He has made an important ____________ to the company's success.

9.She found that she had great ____________ in understanding him.

10.The economic sanctions(制裁)could not prevent the____________ of that country.

11.At the sound of the gun,all the birds in the tree flew away in all____________.

12.Our ____________(origin)plan was to go to Spain,but it was too expensive.

1.indicates 2.consists 3.official 4.pronunciation 5.process 6.control 7.standard 8.contribution 9.difficulty 10.development 11.directions 12.original


1.____________________  由......组成

2.____________________ 对......有影响

3.____________________ 总体上

4.____________________ 当仆人

5.____________________ 因......而困惑

6.____________________ 向......抱怨......

7.____________________ 采取行动做......

8.____________________ 拿起,举起

9.____________________ 控制

10.____________________ (使)变成

11.____________________ 代表,象征

12.____________________ 在整个历史进程中

1.consist of/be made up of 2.have impact on 3.as a whole 4.work as a servant 5.get confused with

6.complain to sb.of/about sth. 7.take action to do

8.lift up... 9.take control of 10.turn into 11.stand for 12.throughout history


1.(回归课本P23)________ ________ ________,French still had an impact on the English language.


2.(回归课本P23)After the Norman Conquest,upper class people spoke French ________ common people spoke English.
