2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 language language points(词组)学案
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 language language points(词组)学案第1页

Unit 2 language language points(词组)学案


1代表 stand for 2 手势语 sign language

3 欣慰的微笑 a beaming smile 4 盘旋 fly in circles

5通知某人某事 inform sb.of/about sth 6在整个历史上 throughout history

7难以理解的规则 confusing rules 8 由...组成 consist of/be made up of

9由...发展起来的 develop from 10 官方语言 official language

11 有助于 contribute to 12 控制住 take control of

13对...有影响 have an impact on 14 取代,替换...replace sth.by/with

15 导致 result in 16 在...的统治下 under the rule of

17 尽管 despite/in spite of 18 养动物 raise animals

19 上层阶级 upper class 20 普通百姓 common people

21 采纳你的建议 adopt your suggestion 22经历艰辛 undergo hardships

23说话风格 one's style of speech 24 依靠,取决于 depend on/upon

25 记录历史 record the history of 26 母语 mother tongue/language

27做...有困难 have difficulty in doing 28 查阅生词 look up unknown words

29 答应做...promise to do 30 制定标准 set a standard

31 对...的禁令 a ban on 32 禁止某人做 ban sb.from doing sth

33 接近(某场所/某人) access to 34...的普及/蔓延 the spread of

35传播消息 spread the news 36 关心,在乎 care about

37 政府部门 a government department 38 和...不同 differ from

39 作为整体,总体上 as a whole 40 变成 turn into

41 使...和...结合 combine...with... 42 汉字 Chinese characters

43 外来语 borrowed words 44 由接近...的权利 have access to


1 另外 in addition 2 加以分类,解决问题 sort out

3对...感到糊涂的 feel/be confused about 4 存在于,在于 consist in

5依靠...做...depend on sb. to do 6 总的说来 on the whole

7 喜欢,照顾 care for 8 尽管 in spite of