2019年英语新同步浙江专用必修五讲义:Unit 5 Section Ⅳ Learning about Language & Using Language Word版含解析
2019年英语新同步浙江专用必修五讲义:Unit 5 Section Ⅳ Learning about Language & Using Language Word版含解析第1页







  Seventeen­year­old teenager, John Janson, was honoured① at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.

  John was presented with② his award at a ceremony③ which recognized the bravery④ of ten people who had saved the life of another.

  John was studying in his room when he heard screaming⑤.When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from the scene⑥. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed⑦ repeatedly with a knife.She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily⑧. Her hands had almost been cut off⑨.

  It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade's life⑩. He immediately asked a number of⑪ nearby people for bandages, but when nobody could put their hands on⑫ any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.John used these to treat⑬ the most severe injuries to Ms Slade's hands.He slowed the bleeding by applying⑭ pressure⑮ to the wounds until the police and ambulance⑯ arrived.,①be honoured感到荣幸;受到嘉奖

  ②be presented with被授予

  ③ceremony ['serImənI] n.典礼;仪式;礼节

  ④bravery ['breIvərI] n.勇敢;勇气

  ⑤be doing ... when ...为重要句式,意为"正在做......,突然......"。

  ⑥scene n. [C]现场

⑦stab [stæb] vt.&vi. (stabbed, stabbed)刺;戳;刺伤