2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案设计:《Unit 1 The written world》project 1教案
2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案设计:《Unit 1 The written world》project 1教案第1页

时间 课题 M8 Unit1 Project 授课时数 1 【教学目标】:

  1. Enable the Ss to read the passage about the poetry of Robert Burns

  2. Enable Ss to recite a poem 【教学重点】:

 Enable the Ss to understand the meaning of the poem A Red, Red Rose

Enable the Ss to make a survey and recite a poem for the class

 Enable the Ss to list the characteristics about poetry

 Enable the Ss to recite a poem


 Task-based learning and cooperative learning 教学过程 一备 Teaching procedures:


  1. Discuss about poem

  2. Recite a poem to the class

  StepⅡ Discussion

  1. Talk about the famous poem and tell what's important in it.

  2. Talk about the elements of poetry


  Step Ⅲ Reading

  1. Read fast and list the main points

  2. Read carefully and give the main idea of each paragraph

  3. practice summarizing the text

  4. Read for detailed information and finish the diagram

  5. List the useful phrases


  Step Ⅳ Project

  1. Introduce the project.

  2. Plan to work in groups and give clear assignment

  3. Decide the class and grade of each group

  4. prepare for the tasks for each group

  5. Interview the classmates

  6. Analyze the questions and answer them

  7. Recite a poem to the class

  Step V Homework

  1. Do Part A, B on poetry in Workbook.

  2.Review words and phrases in this unit.
