

nit 21 Human Biology



1. kidney n. 肾脏


brain 脑;eye 眼睛, cheek 脸颊, jaw 颌, forehead 额,eyebrow 眉毛, lip 嘴唇

body身体: neck脖子,shoulder 肩膀,chest 胸,stomach 腹,back 背,waist腰,knee膝盖heart 心脏, bone 骨头, liver肝脏, lungs肺, skin皮肤, wrist手腕, fingers手指

2. interval n. 间隔;间歇 inter- (前缀) 表"...间","相互的"之意, interact vi. 互动interchange n. 互通式立体交叉 intercultural adj. 在不同文化间的 international adj. 国际的

 at 20-minute intervals = at intervals of 20 minutes 每隔20分钟

at intervals (1)时时 (2)处处

3. circulate vi. 循环

Blood circulates through [in] the body. 血液在人体内循环。 circulation n. 循环

4. pump vt. & vi. 用泵抽出(注入)

 pump n.. draw water with a pump 用水泵抽水 a bicycle pump 自行车的打气筒

5. digest vt. 消化 I can't digest milk. 我喝牛奶不能消化。

digestion n. digestive adj.

6. mineral n. 矿物 mine n. 矿山 a coal mine 煤矿 a gold mine 金矿

mineral oil 矿物油 mineral water 矿泉水 a country rich in minerals 矿藏丰富的国家

7.swap vi. 交换 (常用于口语) for sth. 与某物 with sb. 与人

8. hearing n. 听觉 His hearing is poor. = He is hard of hearing. 他的听觉不好。

five senses (五种感官):sight 视觉,hearing 听觉,smell 嗅觉,taste 味觉,touch 触觉

9. pulse n. 脉搏 have a weak ( an irregular) pulse 脉搏微弱(不规则)

