【优化设计】2018-2019学年北师大选修7高二教案:Unit21:The Language Points 教学案
【优化设计】2018-2019学年北师大选修7高二教案:Unit21:The Language Points 教学案第1页

北师大版高二(下)模块七Unit21:The Language Points o教学案

The Language Points of Unit 21

一. 单词

1. interval

There is a two hours' interval to the next train. (间歇)

There is an interval of five meters between the posts. (距离)

After a years' interval they met again.

2. pump . n&v

He has a bicycle pump.(气筒)

He pumped his car tyres with a pump. (打气)

The heart pumps blood around the body. (输送)

The lake has been pumped. (抽干)

It is difficult to pump facts into tired students. (灌输)

3. swap

I swapped my red scarf (with her) for her blue one.

  4. abuse. v&n

   abuse drugs/medicine/one's power/alcohol/(滥用)

   abuse sb/animals(虐待)

   abuse sb(辱骂)

   alcohol/drug abuse(酗酒,嗜毒) child abuse(虐待儿童)

   abuse of one's power

4. tolerate

I don't know how you tolerate that noise.

She refused to tolerate being called a liar.

Few plants will tolerant sudden changes in temperature.

5. seek---sought---sought

6. seek to do sth= try to do sth I have never sought to hide my views.

He sought to change my mind.

seek for/after What he is seeking after is money.

   He is seeking for a job, but hasn't found one.

   seek help/advice from... the girl went to home to seek advice from her parents.

   Seek one's fortune(闯世界) He sought his fortune. However, he ended up in prison.

7. threat---threaten

He is a real threat to us all.

Drugs are a major threat to our society.

The attackers threatened to kill all the passengers on board. (威胁说)

The man threatened the woman with a gun.

A storm is threatening. (=A storm is on its way.)

8. oppose