2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 4 Section 4
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 4 Section 4第1页



  Ⅰ.Write down T (for true) or F (for false) according to the passage on Page 53.

  1. English has many colourful and splendid expressions which may be easy to understand.________

  2. Idioms convey a concept which is different from the literal meaning.________

  3. To talk turkey means to get down to business.________

  4. Age before beauty is not meant to offend the other person.________

  答案:1~4 FTTT

  Ⅱ.Choose the main idea of paragraph(s) according to the passage on Page 55.

  ①Part 1 (Para. 1)   A. The reason for the interest in Chinese.

  ②Part 2 (Paras. 2-3)  B. An international exam system for learners of Chinese.

  ③Part 3 (Paras. 4-5)  C. The demand for Chinese as a foreign language is growing fast.

  答案:①~③ CAB




  1. He was selected (选择) to play for Australia at the age of only 18.

  2. This poem conveys (传达) the happiness of the poet.

  3. After a fierce battle, the enemy was forced to withdraw (撤退).

  4. They had to overcome (克服) all the difficulties on their way.

  5. In a library, books and magazines are usually classified (将......分类) by subject.

  6. There have been many conflicts (冲突) though the world is in peace generally.

  7. Seek information about the new skill you want to acquire (获得).

  8. To our disappointment, some government leaders abuse (滥用) their position to get illegal profit for themselves.

  9. Lucy is a girl of great musical potential (潜力), and I'm sure she will become a well­known musician sooner or later.

10. The house isn't big enough for us, and furthermore (而且), it's too far from the town.