2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 4 Section 2
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8创新教案:Module 4 Section 2第1页




  1. It didn't matter (有关系) that our best player was injured after 10 minutes - we still won.

  2. Police suspect there may be a link (联系) between the two murders because they have found some similarities between them.

  3. They began to speak rapidly in _dialect (方言) so I couldn't follow them.

  4. After a long debate (讨论), the House of Commons approved the bill.

  5. First impressions really do count (重要) so we should leave a good impression on them.

  6. My wallet has been missing for several days and I can't find any trace (痕迹,踪迹) of it.

  7. My ancestors (祖先) were French. They came to America a century ago.

  8. Each person's DNA is unique (独一无二的), as is known to us.


  1. instantly adv.立即,马上→instant adj.立即的;紧急的,立刻的n.瞬间,立刻

  2. recognisable adj.能辨认的,能认出的→recognise v. 认出;承认→recognition n. 认出;承认


词根 词形变化 构词点拨 instant instantly 形容词+­ly构成副词 recognise recognisable 动词去e加­able构成形容词   Ⅲ.补全短语

  1. from place to place   从一个地方到另一个地方

  2. agree on 对......达成共识

  3. be known as 作为......而出名

  4. as well as 又,也;除......之外

  5. tell ... apart 区分开

  6. as/so long as 只要

7. or rather 更确切地说