【学霸课堂】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案(江苏省专用):M7U1 Language points
【学霸课堂】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案(江苏省专用):M7U1 Language points第1页

M7U1 Language points

Learning aims:

1.知识目标:Master some important language points

2.能力目标:Put the language points into use.




1.[原句回放]Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they oppose having telephones in their houses.

这是一个 (简单句、并列句、复合句),________从句。

face to face作_______(成份)


 1) Our parents teach us to become the people who are of value to society.

 2) The market value of this car has declined.

 3) The old machine was valued at 1,000 yuan.

 4) We should value the every minute in the High School.

 说出oppose 的意思和词性。

 5) Many people opposed (the idea of ) building a new highway for the great cost.

 6) We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.


2.[原句回放] For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered.

这是一个 (简单句、并列句、复合句),

句中的句中的no matter what可换成________. 引导_________从句;

so that 引导__________状语 从句。

【知识点】circumstance 意思是:________________常用__________形式。

1) I wanted to leave quickly but (在这种情况下) I decided to stay another