2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6学案Unit18The Changing Face of Beauty
2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6学案Unit18The Changing Face of Beauty第1页

The Changing Face of Beauty

  Will beauty today embody beauty of tomorrow? The answer is ever-evolving according to a recent survey of facial plastic surgeons who were asked to examine the changing perception of beauty through the decades. The survey asked members of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) to examine facial features of celebrities over the past four decades and to determine how the changing face of "beauty" has been represented over time.

  The 1960's

  Apparently peace, love, happiness and wide eyes marked the sixties. Legendary actors Elizabeth Taylor (38 percent) and Paul Newman (42 percent) defined beauty during this decade. Taylor's porcelain skin and well-proportioned eyes and the defined features of Newman's eyes and lips epitomize timeless beauty.

  The 1970's

  Disco, polyester and cheek-bones characterized the seventies. "Farrah Fawcett's delicate nose and chin and well-developed cheekbones gave her the face of this decade, while Robert Redford's nose and strong jawline illustrated why he was selected," says Dr. Steven Pearlman, president of the AAFPRS. Fawcett and Redford each received 70 percent of the votes.

  The 1980's

  Eighties glamour; big hair and bold makeup represented beauty of this time. Christie Brinkley (49 percent) and Mel Gibson (33 percent) embodied the best facial features, while Michelle Pfeiffer (38 percent) and Harrison Ford (30 percent) placed second.

  The 1990's

  Cindy Crawford (40 percent) and George Clooney (29 percent) symbolized attractiveness in the nineties. "Crawford has flawless skin, an attractive nose and recognizable lips. Clooney has a strong jaw and straight, masculine nose," says Pearlman.

The Present