【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit2 Word power
【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit2 Word power第1页

1)Learn and master the new words related to transport.

2). Enlarge the vocabulary in this section and apply them to practical use. 重点 Remember the different kinds of

roads. 难点 Remember different tools of

transport. 教法及教具 Talking, Practicing

教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体

活动 Step 1 Lead in

Do you know what is the universal language

Music is the universal language. All people from the different countries have the same language that is music.

I know most of you like music, then I want to know how much you know about music.

Please guess:

What kinds of musical instruments are these songs are played by?

Now please imagine if all these musical instruments play together then what will happen?

It will be like this.

Step 2 How much do you know about orchestras?

What is an orchestra?

How many kinds of orchestras are there in our life? What are they?

What do they mean separately?

What kinds of music are often performed by orchestras?

What kinds of musical instruments are included in

an orchestra?

1. An orchestra is a group of musicians that mostly play classical music.

2. Two, they are chamber orchestras(室内乐队)and symphony orchestras(交响乐队) or philharmonic orchestras(爱乐乐队).

3. A chamber orchestra is a small orchestra, while a large or full size orchestra can be called a symphony orchestra or philharmonic orchestra. While symphony means a long piece of music that has three or four parts or movements, philharmonic means devoted to music.

4.The most frequently performed music is western classical music or opera, but now they are also used in popular music and music from different countries.

5. Four groups, they are the strings(铉乐器), woodwind(木管乐器), brass(铜管乐器) and percussion(打


Step 3 Fill in the blanks of part C according to what we learned in part A and part B.

Orchestra Brass

Chamber Trumpets

Symphony Flutes

Strings Woodwind

Brass Bass drums

