【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit4 Word power
【步步为营】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修8教案:Unit4 Word power第1页

1)Learn and master the new words related to transport.

2). Enlarge the vocabulary in this section and apply them to practical use. 重点 Remember the different kinds of

roads. 难点 Remember different tools of

transport. 教法及教具 Talking, Practicing

教 学 内 容 个案调整 教师主导活动 学生主体


Step 1 Discussion

How many types of film do you know about? Can you name them in English?

Step 2 Film type

Read part B on page 54 and focus on film types and their features.


It is intended to make people ___________.

Thriller (惊悚片)

It is an exciting film with ___________ endings.

Drama (戏剧片)

It is a film about _________ and ____________.

New words

be shot on location 外景拍摄

sound stages 摄影棚

Backdrop 布景

close-up shot 特写镜头

wide-angle shot 广角镜头

Credits 演职员表

film score 电影音乐

sound effects 音响效果

Dubbing 配音