【学霸之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(四川省专用)《Module 6 War and Peace 第3课时 Listening, Everyday English》
【学霸之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(四川省专用)《Module 6 War and Peace 第3课时 Listening, Everyday English》第1页

 导学案三 Listening, Everyday English

一. .单词,短语,句型

blitz 闪电战 bomb n, 炸弹 station 根据地,基地 chain 链条

campaign 作战行动\军事行动 the air-raid shelter 防空洞 be supposed to do 理应做某事

二. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

Interviewer : I'm talking to Alice and Henry Potter, who were both living in London during the Second World War, and who both ______________the bombing campaign which is _________________the London Blitz. Alice, what are your strongest memories of it ?

Alice: Well, I was only seven years old at that time, and the first bombs fell a long way from my house. But I remember that the house_______, and I ___________my bedroom window. I

remember seeing fires in the distance. I've never forgotton that. London was ______all around me. There was so many fires that the clounds in the sky turned pink._____________.

Interviewer : Yes, indeed.

Interviewer : Why ?

Alice: Because I was looking through my bedroom window. You weren't ____________to do that. You have to keep your windows covered all the time at night.

Interviewer : Henry. what are your first memories of the Blitz?

Henry: Well, I'm older than Alice, and I was 12 when the bombing started. The first thing I remembered was the sound of the planes. They_______ very low. My brother and I went out into the street to watch. We never told my parents about that. If I'd told them about that, they would have killed me!

Interviewer : How did you feel when you went into the street ? Were you afraid ?

Henry: Well, yes, I suppose I was. But I also remember feeling very_________.

Interviewer : And did any of the bombs drop near you ?

Alice: Not on the first night, no. And I often wonder why. I suppose because we weren't near any factories and we weren't near the docks.

Interviewer : And later ?

Alice: Later, yes. A bomb fell on our street.

Interviewer : Did you see it ?

Alice: No, we were in the air-raid shelter. Otherwise I wouldn't have survived. Actually, we