【学霸之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(四川省专用)《Module 6 War and Peace 第4课时 Vocabulary and Reading》
【学霸之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修六学案(四川省专用)《Module 6 War and Peace 第4课时 Vocabulary and Reading》第1页

 导学案四Vocabulary and Reading (Page 78-80)

一. 重点单词

1. n.连,连队

2. n.行装,行李

3. adj.机密的,秘密的

4. v.大叫,呼喊


6.adj. 值得做的,有价值的

二. 重点短语

另我们感到惊讶的是 to our astonishment

机密命令 confidential orders


 see many of my friends killed


 find ourselves outside a peaceful village

傍晚 late afternoon

太阳正在落山 the sun was setting

一副完美的乡村景色 a perfect country scene


to advance and check the village

驶出 drive out of

又两个人 two more

摘下,脱下 take off

放下 put down

握手shake hands

遗弃了村庄 abandon the village

回去 go back to

留着漂亮的胡子 have a magnificent moustache

定型 keep in shape

用...装满 fill ... with

从...拿出 take out... from

拿起pick up

拿出 bring out

摆桌子 lay a table

用...盖 cover... with

为...干杯 drink to

作为...回报 In return

当成...对待 treat sb like