2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案:Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语选修七教案:Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year第1页

  Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year





     In America,the month of May is often called "Prom Season".A prom is a formal dance that occurs at the end of spring to celebrate the end of an academic(学术的) year.This event is particularly special to seniors,who view the prom as one of the last chances for everyone to come together as a class before heading off to college.

   Planning often starts months before the day of the prom.First,classmates must find a date to go with.Some go with their significant(重要的) others,and others go with good friends.

   As couples begin to prepare for the prom, the money

   issue becomes a factor.Prom bids (that's what the tickets are called)at our school run around D|S80 a bid.Usually,the guy will pay for both tickets,meaning they have to pay around D|S160 just to go.Girls need to buy dresses, shoes, and make appointments for their hair,nails and makeup.Guys must rent or buy tuxedos(男士半正式晚礼服).Seniors,in particular,can easily spend D|S1,000 on a prom.


  1.Why do seniors think a prom very important to them?


  2.Is there a similar prom in Senior 3 in China?


  【答案】 1.Because they view the prom as one of the last chances to come together as a class before heading off to college.

  2.No,there isn't.

  Period ⅠPreviewing