2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案词汇归纳
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案词汇归纳第1页


Unit 1 Warm-up & Lessons 1-2

1. a business manager 2. get time for hobbies

3. in his free time 4. get up

5. turn on

6. children's programmes 7. go downstairs

8. TV series 9. remote control

10. switch on / off the TV 11. switch over

12. take the dog for a walk 13. do some exercise

14. walk round in a circle 15. live this lifestyle

16. get the world at your feet

17. work his way through his paperwork

18. sit at his desk 19. my alarm clock goes off

20. jump out of my bed 21. get changed

22. get on a bus

23. the first person to get to the office

24. take up a large part of the day

25. be filled with urgent matters

26. personal e-mails

27. bring some documents back from the office

28. complain about

29. be ready for the next day's work 以上是编辑归纳的本部分的一些语块表达,除此之外,你还能找出哪些呢?

Unit 1 Lessons 3-4 & Communication Workshop

1. future plan 2. voluntary work

3. personal arrangement 4. in the centre of

5. travel to work on "the tube" 6. arrive at work

7. in a nearby sandwich shop

8. return to the paperwork 9. go to the gym

10. get enough exercise

11. weather forecast 12. a weekend break

13. so good for my lungs 14. a big breakfast

15. walk out of the front door 16. at work

17. all day

18. be early in the morning or late at night

19. make sure 20. free of sickness

21. distance learning

22. be very interested in 23. a "movie fan"

24. get the chance to go 25. be fond of

26. ride on London's red buses 27. go on the tube

28. make notes of