2019学年度外研版选修七Module 4 Music Born in America Period 7 Writing教案设计(1页word版)
2019学年度外研版选修七Module 4 Music Born in America Period 7  Writing教案设计(1页word版)第1页

2019学年度外研版选修七Module 4 Music Born in America Period 7 Writing教案设计


● To understand the two-sides effect of music to study● To learn to describe one's own study habit with or without music


Step 1: Warming-up exercises

Read the passage and answer the questions. You will answer individually, and then check with a partner. Finally I'll call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask and another answer the question.

I. a diagram for reference

Music effect

In a psychology experiment

Mozart → before a test → scores improved

In some case

light music → when writing an essay → concentrate well

doing revision

loud music/rap/rock → when writing an essay → handwriting getting bad

doing revision thoughts disordered

In some other case

music of any kind → when studying → can't think

II. Answer for the questions

For reference

1 classical music such as Mozart

2 Their test scores improved temporarily.

3 No, it depends.

Step 2: While reading

Write a description of your study habits. Use the questions in the text to help you. Do this individually, as homework. Then have the students exchange their writing for peer correction and I'll choose students to read their work to the whole class.

For reference

I never listen to music of any kind when I study because I find it distracts me from what I am doing. I like to study in a very quiet place, on my own. When I listen to music, I don't like to do anything else, because I want to concentrate on the music whether it is classical, folk, pop or rock. So if my parents heard music coming from my room they would know I wasn't studying. I think that for people who like to study with music, either light classical music or some gentle jazz is probably best. I don't think my test scores would improve if I listened to Mozart when I revised; on the contrary, I think they would get worse.