2019--2020学年度人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic GamesPeriod1Reading学案(16页word版含有答案解析)
2019--2020学年度人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic GamesPeriod1Reading学案(16页word版含有答案解析)第1页

2019--2020学年度人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic GamesPeriod1Reading学案


1.Several graduates____________(竞争)for the post,but Jack was the one who got hired.

2.I'm short of money,and can't afford a new car to ____________(取代)my old one.

3. He____________(要价)me $1.50 for repairing the watch,which was too much.

4.We got the tickets to the show at half price.They were real____________(便宜货).

5.We're not going to give each of them a medal;not all of them____________(值得)one.

6.To help ease the____________(疼痛),apply heat to the area with a hot­water bottle.

7.Which country is the____________(举办国)of the next Olympic Games?

8.____________are a good way to sell products or improve services.In order to promote our products,we plan to____________them in the local newspaper.(advertise)