2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit 3 单元小结
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit  3  单元小结第1页



  Mike is thirteen years old and he is wise but his family is not wealthy.Their house is not far from a volcano which used to erupt many years ago.As their life is not in good condition, he often goes to the commercial market to collect the remains of waste things.Because their republic is at war with the neighbours, he is seldom at school.However, while studying at school, he attends the teachers' lectures attentively and carefully.He is very interested in what the teachers said about statues, ruins and so on buried beneath the ground, so he gradually becomes involved in archaeology.His father worked in a paint factory and got a small salary.But one day, his father was working in the workshop when an airplane exploded in the air and fell in.His father was badly injured and sent to a nearby hospital.Unfortunately, his father died.When he was aware of this, he was driven mad and was in deep sorrow.And he has made up his mind to unite all the people, overthrow the corrupt government and build a new one when he grows up.He wishes that there would be a solution to end up the confusion.He wishes that he would build a memorial in memory of his father and the other people who died due to the war.He also wishes ...

  迈克今年十三岁了,家境不富裕,可他是个聪明的孩子。他家住在离一座火山并不远的地方,多年前这个火山还喷发过。由于生活条件不好,他经常到贸易市场里去捡垃圾。因为他所在的国家正与邻国打仗,所以他很少去上学。但只要在学校学习,他都会认真听老师讲课。当老师讲到埋在地下的塑像、遗迹等时,他就特别感兴趣,因此他渐渐迷恋上了考古学。他父亲在一家油漆厂工作,拿一份很少的薪水。可是有一天,他父亲正在车间里干活,天上一架飞机爆炸掉到了车间里。他父亲严重受伤,很快被送到了附近的一家医院。不幸的是,他父亲去世了。当他意识到他父亲已离他而去时,他都要疯了并陷入到深深的悲痛中。他暗下决心: 当他长大时他要联合所有的人,推翻腐败的政府成立新政府。他希望总有办法结束这种混乱局面。他希望他能建一座纪念碑来纪念父亲及其他因战争而死去的人。他还希望......


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