2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit 2 单元小结
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit  2  单元小结第1页



  Nowadays English is an international language.English is made up of the grammar and vocabulary brought to Britain by people from different countries and cultures.

  Old English consists of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which occupied Britain, and the Vikings.By the 10th century, Old English became the official language of England.

  The Normans, who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066, made the most contributions to Middle English.Although French did not replace English as the first language, it led to the development of English.

  Modern English appeared in the 16th century, which includes many Latin and Greek words.

  English is changing all the time.There is no doubt this process will keep on.







  加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


  A businessman was on a business trip to Tokyo. He was always very generous to his __1__. After all his meetings, he went to a supermarket to __2__ chocolates and gifts for his workers back home.

As he entered the supermarket, a lady gave a warm smile and __3__ him. He was very touched, felt __4__, and was not able to forget the warmth in her smile. He was __5__ her as he was shopping; she was giving the same smile to all the __6__ who walked into