2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 2 Working the land period 1 教案2
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 2 Working the land period 1 教案2第1页

Book4 unit2 Working the land

Reading 1 A pioneer for all people

方案一1 Lead-in

(展示一张图片,显示本单元的主题---working the land)

T:What does working the land mean? Have a guess what will be talked about in this unit?

(Free talk, but it is the best that Ss will refer to agriculture,farm, farmer, land, fertile.....)

T: I say the source of food that we eat comes form the land, do you agree?

T: What's your staple food?

( In English, we call a basic food that everyone eats everyday is a "staple food".)---Maybe it is necessary for T to explain the meaning of staple food.

( with pictures , it should be easy for my Ss to check out the word---rice, then T can goes to the next step Brainstorming)

设计说明:本单元的主题是working the land, 涉及有关于农业,绿色农业的知识,还有我国著名的科学家袁隆平。在本堂课中,教师将教学的重点放在对袁的介绍,即第一篇阅读的内容理解上,所以导入的部分较简单。

Step2. Brainstorming

T: When it comes to the word-rice, what will you think of? (Free talk)

( Ss may think of many different things, such as farmers, agriculture, ...最理想的是学生回提到这一单元中的新单词、词汇))

( 方案: 或者在这里会有学生提到饥饿,那么顺水推舟让学生看一些关于世界饥饿问题的图片,从而让学生感受到粮食及粮食产量多少对全世界的意义所在,从而让学生能够更深切感受到袁对国家乃至世界所作出的重大贡献;但如若没有学生提到这一点,教师此刻可以提及,例如:Rice reminds of some shocking pictures ...)

T: Huger is still a serious problem in the world. So what can we really do to help those people?

(Free talk. Ss may give various answers. Now T can go to Dr. Yuan, if Ss don't refer to him)

T: When I see the word "rice", it reminds me of some pictures I saw the other day. Let's see. (展示一些有关于饥饿的一些非洲难民的图片)。 The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone to eat, but still more than 1000 million people go hungry everyday. It is a disturbing problem. So do you have some ideas to help solve the problem, or to help those poor people? ( 学生应该会讲到自己的一些想法,但在课前教师无法预料他