【超级课堂】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5学案:Module5 (3)
【超级课堂】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5学案:Module5  (3)第1页

Book 5 Module5 The Great Sports Personality

Period 3 语言知识运用导学案








3.体会用英语表达思想的快乐, 并全力以赴, 激情投入。


1.AB 层能够理解背过知识点及相关例句,并能灵活运用所学知识

2.C 层能够理解背过知识点用法和带★例句。


I Phrases

1.The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase-and sport had never been so popular.

(1)be on the increase 在增加中,正在不断增长,相当于be increasing

on 在这个结构中表示"在......情况下;处于......状态中"。

【拓展】on构成的类似短语on duty值班;值日 on strike在罢工 on guard在值勤 on show在展出 on business因公,在出差 on sale在销售中

另外under...也表示在......中 如短语:under construction 在建设之中

under repair 在修理中under discussion 在讨论中under control 在控制中

②They have increased the price by 50%.他们将价格增加了50%.

③★I hopes to be able to increase your pay to $6000 a month.


④The number of tourists has increased.

2. They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze.)

(1)six out of seven=six in seven七个当中有六个或七分之六

one out of three 三个中有一个或三分之一

In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left. 在英国的某些地方,十个人当中有一个,到30岁时,牙全掉光了。

(2) as well/ as well as

①He cooks as well as her mother does.他烧菜烧的和他的妈妈一样好。

②★He as well as I knows that matter.不但我,而且他也知道了那件事。

③He has experience as well as knowledge.他既有学识又有经验。

试比较as well/either /too 的区别:

①★He sent me a letter and some money as well.


② It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm, either.


③She likes travelling , too. 她也喜欢旅行。

3. Li Ning's designs were attractive,and they had a major advantage over their better known rivals-they were cheaper.

advantage 优势,优点 反义词:disadvantage n. 缺点;不足

①In the first half, we had the advantage over the opposing team.


②★She's got the job because she had the advantages( over others) of knowing many languages.她得到了这份工作,因为她比别人有懂很多种语言的优势。

③He has the advantage of a good education. 他有受过良好教育的优势。

④★Don't lend them the car-they're taking advantage of you!


⑤The agreement works to our (dis) advantage. 协议对我们有(没)利。

4.Li Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Ali.

together with 与---一起

together with 连接主语时,由前面的主语决定谓语动词的数。类似的用法还有with , along with, as well as, rather than(而不是), except(除了).

①He sent me some flowers together with/as well as a letter.


②★He, together with /along with/as well as/with his parents has been to America.

③★I think Tom, rather than you, is to blame.


④Everybody except you was able to answer.

II Sentences

1. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.

①It is I that/who am right.

②★Was it you that /who met John in the street yesterday?

③★Who was it that met John in the street yesterday?

④When was it that you called me yesterday?

⑤★It was not until she got home that Mary realized she had lost her keys.

注意:强调人时可用who/that 来连接,强调事物时常用 that.

2.If you go into a school or a university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.

【拓展】There is no chance/possibility (that) 不可能......

There is a chance/possibility (that) 可能......

seize/grasp a chance of (doing) sth 抓住(做)......的可能性/机会

take a chance / chances 冒险,碰运气 by chance/accident 偶然,碰巧

chance "可能性", 既可以用单数,也可用复数形式。

①★(The) chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.


②★There is a chance that the sick child will get well.


3.But even if he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.

(1)It was possible to win in his sport是______,修饰先行词_______,关系代词that在定语从句中作win的宾语,所以被省略了。It is +adj. +for sb. + to do ...这个结构的形容词常常是easy, difficult, hard, important, necessary等,常与事物的特征有关。

①It is difficult for the boy to work out the problem.

②It is important for us to learn English well.


(2)从句that he had failed是____________从句, 进一步补充说明_______的内容和含义。

英语中可以跟同位语从句的名词通常有news, idea, fact, promise, question, doubt, thought, hope, message, suggestion, word, (消息), possibility等。

①I heard the news that our team had won.

②I had no idea that you were here.我不知道你在这里。

③I've come from Mr. Wang with a message that he won't be able to see you this afternoon.我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。



1. 最近Sun 老师及全班同学心情都非常好(together with)。2.到底是什么使他们这么高兴呢?3.大家听说了这次期中考试我们班有胜于其他班优势的消息。4. 全班十分之九的同学都在考试中得了优秀。5.优秀率(the rate of excellence)增加了40%。6. 而且可能全班都通过了这次考试。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Multiple choice

1. It's obvious that they want to take advantage _____us, and the present situation is not ______ our advantage.

A. to; of B. of; for C. with; in D. of; to

2.It was not until she had arrived home_______ her appointment with the doctor.

A. when she remembered B. and she remembered

C. did she remember D. that she remembered

3.(2012浙江卷)I made a promise to myself_____________ this year, my first year in high school would be different .

A. whether B. what C. that D. how

4.Mr. Smith ,together with his wife and two sons, _______and will return at four o'clock. A. have just left B. has just left C. left D. are leaving

5.With the production______ 60%,our factory is sure to have another harvest year. A. increased to B. increasing by C. increase to D. increased by

6. (2013天津卷) It was not until near the end of the letter___ she mentioned her own plan. A. that B. where C. why D. when

7.(2011.四川高考)Was it on a lonely island____ he was saved one month after the boat went down? A. which B. where C. that D. when

8.Ten years ago the population of our village was____ that of theirs.

A.as twice large as B.twice as large as C.twice as much as D.as twice much as

9.The new law has come into effect, and _____number of wild animals here is on _____increase now. A. the the B. a the C. the / D. a /

10.There is a good _____that I'll have the essay finished by tomorrow.

A .risk B. adventure C. opportunity D. chance


短语 1..在增加中 2 .有胜于...的优势 _______________

3.与......一起________________4. 七个当中有六个________________

句型 1.各种强调句型总结




(1) 在增加中


(2) 增加到

______________________(3) 增加了


2 .as well as 的意思是



as well/either/too的用法区别:


3.(1) 比......有优势






4.总结together with 的用法:




1. 总结强调句













3思考:何时用It is +adj.+ of sb. +to do....这个结构?


还记得that 在定语从句和同位语从句中的区别吗?




