
Language points

Paragraph 1.

1. They called him the prince of gymnasts.

call +宾语+宾补 Eg. We all call the baby Jack. What do you call this kind of flower?

注:此结构还经常用于被动语态 Eg: Li Ning was called the prince of gymnasts.

2. When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.

①win vt.&vi. 其宾语不是竞争对手而是war, game, prize, match, battle, competition之类的名词。Eg.Tom won the 100-metre race in the sports meeting.

Our army won one victory after another. He won 1000 yuan.


Eg: I defeated/beat him at chess.


(1)When sb. was + 数字 (2)at the age of + 数字 (3)in one's + 十的倍数

e.g. in his early/ late twenties 在他二十出头或二十好几时

3. They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles(as well as two silver and a bronze).它们(金牌)包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌中的六枚,1984年洛杉矶奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。


(1) include强调"包括作为整体的一部分", 如:The list included his name.这个名单上包括他的名字。

(2) comprise指"由许多部分组成", 或"由许多部分构成一个整体", 如:

Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History.


(3) comprehend系正式用语,指"包括在某一范围内", 一般用于观念陈述、纲要等, 如:

The word "beauty" comprehends various concepts."美"这个词包括许多概念。

(4) embrace侧重"所包括、包含的种类多", 如: