【新思路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1学案(浙江省专用) Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood Period four
【新思路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1学案(浙江省专用) Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood Period four第1页

浙江省高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood Period four学案(无答案)外研版必修1

【学习目标】1. 训练学生的阅读理解能力。 2. 复述课文。



导学1. Fill in the form

An 1 and lively city - 2 people 3 (adj.) climate 4 5 and 6 in summer, 7 8 in winter business district 9 (adj.) 10 buildings and some great shopping 11

western district 12 (adj.) really 13 parks 14 Island 15 (adj.) and 16 (adj.) with some 17 (n.) just

18 the water 导学2. Multiple choice.

1. According to the dialogue, we can know JM .

A. visited XL's hometown again B. saw XL seven years ago

C. bought a beautiful dress for his wife D. has seen quite a lot of China

2. The following are what JM thinks of Xiamen EXCEPT .

A. fortunate B. lively C. friendly D. attractive

3. The dialogue takes place most probably .

A. at the airport B. on Gulangyu Island

C. in the business district D. on the returning way from the airport

4. If the dialogue develops, what's the talking topic for the following dialogue?

A. The food of Xiamen B. The weather of Xiamen

C. The beautiful scenery of Xiamen D. The touring industry of Xiamen

导学3. Close the passage.

  Xiao Li is driving with John Martin on the way. It is 6 years 1 they last 2 each other. Though JM has seen 3 4 5 6 China and some 7 cities, this is the 8 time he 9 10 XL's 11 . 12 , an 13 city.

They're talking excitedly with each other about 14 people, 15 , and 16 XL thinks of as a 17 . Meanwhile, they're passing a huge 18 19 , where the 20 is high, and they're enjoying the 21 business 22 , where there are 23 buildings and some great 24 25 where JM wants to buy some 26 . After that they're 27 the 28 and 29