2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Two Robots Period 1Warming-up, Pre-reading and Comprehending教案(10页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Two Robots Period 1Warming-up, Pre-reading and Comprehending教案(10页word版)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Two Robots Period one Warming-up, Pre-reading and Comprehending教案

类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目 话题 Robots; literary work about science 词汇 fiction, desire, satisfaction, bonus, alarm, alarmed, apron, sympathy, overweight, elegant, favour, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd荒谬的, 可笑的, haircut, accompany, cushion, bedding, necklace, clerk, counter, awful, affair, armchair, declare, cuisine, envy, digital, mailbox, aside, grand, receiver, affection, bound, biography传记, 传记文学, holy, part-time, staff职员,员工, navy, junior, biochemistry, talent, chapter, theoretical, framework, thinking, divorce, obey, disobey, assessment Test out, ring up, turn around转向, leave...out, set aside, in all, be bound to一定做....., or rather更确切地说, 功能 推测与确信(Supposition and belief)

I think / don't think.... I wonder......

Is it possible that....? It is possible / impossible that.....

It is most likely / unlikely that...... I believe / don't believe.....

Maybe....... Could it be that.....

It could be that..... There is a belief that.....

I guess / suppose..... It must have.....

Are you sure that..... I am sure that.....

I am positive that.......