2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Three Under The Sea Period1Warming up and pre-reading 教案 (4页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Three Under The Sea Period1Warming up and pre-reading 教案 (4页word版)第1页

    2019学年度选修七Unit Three Under The Sea Period1Warming up and pre-reading 教案

Unit 3 的主题是"Under the sea", 中心话题是海底世界, 听说读写活动主要围绕海底动植物, 海底奇妙景观, 以及有关大海的神话故事展开的.


1. 两起虎鲸轶事.

2. 一篇有关海洋见闻和感受的日记.

3. 记者和鲨鱼专家有关人们对鲨鱼的误解和为什么鲨鱼会急剧减少的谈话. In this unit students learn about killer whales and whaling in the early twentieth century, and also about the decline in shark populations in the world today. The unit asks students to think about contemporary issues such as whether whaling should be allowed and whether sharks should be protected.

1. 知识目标:

1) 重点词汇和词组: flee, boundary界限, 分界线, abandon放弃, 遗弃,抛弃, narrow, shallow浅的, dimension维数, 方面, 侧面, offshore近海的, teamwork协作, 配合, accommodation住所, 住宿, jog慢跑, 轻推, seal海豹, suck允吸, drag, pure纯的, 纯粹的, 纯洁的, aware, yell大叫, 呼喊, 叫声, target受批评的对象, relationship关系, 血缘关系, 交往, reflect思考, 反映, 反射, seaside, sharp锐利的, 锋利的, witness目击, 当场见到, dive, annual每年的, 按年度计算的, shore, pension养老金, 退休金, pause, anecdote轶事, 奇闻, depth, deeply, conserve保存, 保藏, conservation保存, 保持, vivid生动的, 鲜明的, 活泼的, vividly生动地, 鲜明地, awesome引起敬畏的, 可怕的, awe敬畏, scare恐吓, 受惊吓, 恐慌, scared惊恐的, 恐惧的, scary引起恐慌的, opposite在....对面, tasteless没有味道的, opposition对抗, 敌对, 对手, oppose反对, 抵制, urge催促, 极力主张, 驱策, urgent紧急的, 迫切的, ahead of在....前面, 先于, cut loose不受约束, 摆脱, be scared to death吓死了, in the meantime与此同时, 在此期间, throw oneself out of跃出, be concerned with与....有关的, 关注的, upside down上下翻过来, be / become aware of对....知道, 明白, 意识到....., help out帮助某人摆脱困境, sort out整理, 挑出, go snorkeling潜水, aim at瞄准, 目的在于.

2) 帮助学生更多地了解海洋海底世界.

3) 复习动词v-ing形式的被动式.

2. 能力目标:


  在写作中学会表达责备, 抱怨和要求赔偿.

3. 情感目标:


4. 教学重难点:
