2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-Project 学案
2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-Project 学案第1页


                     制作人:刘玲 审核人:刘海迪

Learning aims:

1.To learn new words and expressions and learn how to use them by reading two plays.

2.To consolidate by doing exercise

Step one:Preview

1.为某人腾出地方 2.放声大笑起来 _

3.拿出 4 .对某人怒目而视

5.好象要做 6. 严肃的看了某人一眼

7.对某人感到恼火__________________ 8.坐在无形的板凳上________________________

9. 跌倒;倒下_____________________ 10. 气愤地________________________________

Step two: language points

1.burst vi. 突然出现;猛冲;突然...起来;vt&vi(使)爆炸,胀开; n 突发;裂口

【教材原句】Servant bursts in ,next to Queen ,empty-handed and looking worried.


(1).The police burst in through the side doctor .

(2)He burst into our meeting and got sent away.

(3)He burst into laughter and then chocked herself.

(4)He burst out crying like a child ,when hearing the bad news.


(1)burst in /into__________________________(2)burst out crying/laughing_________________

(3)burst into tears /laughter________________(4)burst with anger/grief/joy________________


①Hearing this, the whole class ________ ______ ________ and my deskmate's face turned red.

听到这番话, 全班哄堂大笑, 我同桌的脸变红了。

②The door was suddenly pushed open and he _____ ____ the house.

门忽然被推开, 他闯进屋来。

③Seeing my old friends after 20 years, I felt as if my heart would ______ joy.

A. burst by B. burst with C. bursting by D. bursting with

2.tear n. & v.

【教材原句】No, you fool(tears the paper in two).(P15)


(1)Upon hearing the news, she suddenly burst into tears.

(2)When I entered the room, the boy was in tears.

(3)I tore his letter into pieces two before he could get in a word.

(5)This material tears easily.


撕掉;拆毁_______________________________ 把......撕成碎片______________________

把......撕成两半__________________________ 哭/流泪_______________________

tear oneself/sb. from sth./sb___________________
