2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-project教案
2017-2018学年 牛津版 选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you-project教案第1页

2. To improve the reading ability. 自我构建 快乐无限 Questions:

1) Is there a bench in the courtyard?

2) What does the word "invisible" mean?

The second play:

1) Who is the main character in the play?

2) What does the King actually want? 合作探究 携手共进 Language points:

1. I am sitting on an invisible bench, of course. (Page 14, Line 7)

▲invisible: adj. 看不见的,隐形的

e.g. invisible ink 隐形墨水

【词形变化】invisibly adv. invisiblity n. 无形,看不见

You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are ________.

A. unavoidable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable

2. Of course. (moves over as if to make room for Tony) (Page 14, Line 9)

▲as if/though 好像,仿佛

1) as if从句:从句中的内容如果有可能发生,则要用陈述语气。从句中的内容如果不可能发生,则要用虚拟语气。

It looks as if it is going to rain. He treats me as if I were a stranger.

2) as if + done He stood as if rooted to the ground.

3) as if + doing She stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.

4) as if + to do sth. He opened his mouth as if to speak.

5) It seems/looks as if ... It seemed as if the day would never end.

3. be annoyed with sb.=be angry with sb. be annoyed at/about sth.

4. No, you fool! (tear the paper in two)


1) v. 撕, 扯 过去式:tore,过去分词:torn


tear down 扯下, 拆毁,拆卸

We had to tear down the engine to fix the machine.

The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the new highway.

tear ... into pieces 把......撕成碎片

If you tear the paper into four pieces, we can each have something to write on.

tear oneself away from 忍痛离开 tear apart 拆散

2) n. 泪珠(常用复数)

【常用搭配】burst into tears 突然哭了起来 be moved to tears 被感动得流泪了

in tears 含泪,流着眼泪

5. burst: v. 破裂,胀破;爆裂,爆发


【常用搭配】burst into a room 闯入房间 burst out = break out 突然迸发, 爆发

burst in/on/upon 吵闹地闯进;打扰;突然插嘴

burst out doing=burst into +n. 突然(哭、笑、唱等)起来

e.g. burst out crying/laughing/singing= burst into tears/laughter/songs

Hearing the news, she burst into ________ and burst _______ the room.

A. crying; out B. tears; in C. crying; into D. tears; out of