2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修7创新教案:Module 4 Section 4
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修7创新教案:Module 4 Section 4第1页




  Ⅰ.Match the following paragraphs with their main idea according to the passage on Page 53.

  ①Para. 1 A.what the stars usually do

  ②Para. 2 B.the author's evaluation of Cantopop

  ③Para.3~6 C.the features of Cantopop

  ④Para. 7 D.the boom of Cantopop

  答案:①~④ DCAB

  Ⅱ.Choose the best answer according to the passage on Page 55.

  1.Which of the following is TRUE according to Cultural Corner?

  A.His large mouth gave Louis Armstrong the nickname Satchmo.

  B.Johnson's music has influenced generations of old rock musicians.

  C.Woody Guthrie is both a folk singer and a blues one.

  D.Guthrie's song was more humourous when he was young.

  2.Who died in 1938?

  A.Louis Armstrong.  B.Robert Johnson.

  C.Woody Guthrie. D.Andy Lau.

  3.Where was Woody Guthrie born?

  A.In New Orleans. B.In Mississippi.

  C.In Oklahoma. D.In New York.

  4.Who was called the father of rock and roll?

  A.Louis Armstrong. B.Woody Guthrie.

  C.Robert Johnson. D.Bob Dylan.

5.Why did the parents name their son after Woodrow Wilson?