2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 6 Revision》教案
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 6 Revision》教案第1页


  Module7 Revision


  英语高中新课标外研版必修Ⅲ 综合检测试卷



  21.Our school is on the side of Chaoyang Road, our school is a large housing block where many people from the city live here.

  A.across B.opposite C.in the front of D.face

  解析:opposite这里是介词,意思是"在......对面";若用A项应说 "across the road is...";C、D两个选项干扰性不大。


  22.    the east coast of China,the city of Hangzhou is easy to be attacked by the storm from the Pacific Ocean.

  A.Lying off B.Situated on C.Located off D.Laying on

  解析:城市在海岸上,应该用on,另外,situate和locate是及物动词,要用过去分词形式。此处也可以用 "Lying on..."。


  23.Our English teacher,as well as all the students,     we can only improve our reading by reading widely.

  A.agree that B.agrees that C.agrees with what D.agree what

  解析:这里的主语是our English teacher,为第三人称单数。另外,agree后面的宾语从句应用that引导,that在从句中不作句子成分。


  24.-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

  -Is that     you had a few days off?

  A.why B.when C.what D.where

  解析:本题考查表语从句,要求学生会转换句子。也就是Last week I had a week off.That is why I had a few days off (last week)。


  25.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town     he grew up as a child.

  A.which B.where C.that D.when

  解析:本题考查 where引导的定语从句,因为它的先行词为地点。


  26.Go and get your coat.It's     you left it.

  A.there B.where C.there where D.where there



  27.Have you seen the film "Titanic",     leading actor is world famous?

  A.its B.it's C.whose D.which

解析:这是一个非限制性定语从句。leading actor 与先行词the film "Titanic"是所