2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe 
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe 第1页

 高一必修三,module 1Europe重点内容

Part 1 词汇拓展:

1 across: prep (表示方向)横越, 横跨; 横穿, 穿越;


例句: She is walking across the road now._________________

   The landmark is just across that gallery.________________

拓展:cross:n 十字架;vt 穿过,交叉 Crossing: 十字路口





练习:(填空并改错)1 The architect go ____ this gate.

2 Planes flew _____ this mountain since 1986.(fly\flew\flown)

3 Camels(骆驼)goes ____ the desert and ran away。

2 face:vt 面对,面向。例句:The house faces a park._________

Vi 向 朝。例句:The window of my room faces south._______

固定搭配:1 sb be faced with sth..=sb face sth. 某人面对某事。

2 face做名词:make a face.______。lose one's face

_______。to one's face.___。face to face.(____)_____。face-to-face(_____)_____。



3 range:n 山脉 a mountain range 或a range of mountains.山脉

拓展:range:n (有效)范围,幅度。vi(在一定范围内)变化。

固定搭配:1 have a wide(广泛的)range of interests:________

2 be in\within range._________。(主要指导弹枪炮)

be out of\beyond range.__________。

3 range(动词) from A to B.______________。

练习:1 Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?

No,it's out of my ___.

A reach B control C distance D range

2 这些物品的价格在2到5美元之间。_____________________(goods:物品)

4 situated:adj 坐落于,处于什么样的状态。

拓展:situate:vt 是位于,使处于。I want to situate my house in the city center。________________

situation:n 立场,局势,状况。 save the situation._________

近义词辨析:situation condition station position


station:是指具有一定功能性的场所,如车站(railway/bus)、电站(power station)、工作站(workstation),侧重于"功能"

position:指一定空间上的区位、位置,这时候相当于place/location,也可以指抽象的职位,身份,相当于post。 侧重于"空间区分和位置区分"