2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe 
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe 第5页

  难点:any of+名词:任何一个 more of+名词: 更多

2 就近原则: 谓语的单复数取决于离他最近的主语。

  a、 由or、either··or··、neither··nor··、not only··but also··连接的


b、 there be 句型和由here引导的,若又主语并列一起采取就近原则。

例句:There is water and cakes.

3 语法一致原则

  a、 非谓语动词或从句做主语时,谓语用单数。例如:Watching TV iswonderful。

  b、 None of:(三个以上)没有一个

   none of +可数名词(复数)+谓语(单复数都可以)。None of us is perfect.

   none of +不可数名词+谓语单数。

  c、 只有复数形式的名词,谓语只能是复数。例如:clothes、trousers、glasses.

Part 4 课后练习

1 . The population of China is _______ than that of America.

A. larger five times B. five times larger

C. as five times D. as five times larger

2 . The Yellow River is ______ river in China.

A the second longest B the second long

C the second longer

3 . _________________? She is cute and kind.

A what does she look like? B what is she like ?

C what does she like?

4 Shangdong is __ the east of China.

A on B to C in D above

5 《Harry potter 》is _______ the magical story. Its author is ______ us.

A kown for , kown to B kown as , kown to C kown as : kown for

6 The book was nice,but _____sales, it hasn't been successful.

A according to B in order to C in terms of

7 His sister left home in 1988,and _______ since.

A had not been heard of B has not been haerd of C has not heard of

8 Either you or one of your students ____ to attend the meeting.

A are B is C have

9 Neither I nor some of my family _____ at home,now.

A are B is C were D was