2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 3 Back to the past 2》
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 3  Back to the past 2》第1页

I. 词语辨析

1、in turn / in return

in turn:轮流着、一个挨一个地;

e.g. Please tell your idea on the subject in turn.

He asked each of us in turn what we had been doing.

They went into the room in turn to be examined.


e.g. Theory comes from practice which in turn serves practice.

I told her the secret about Sue and she in turn told Sue about it.

in return:作为回报

e.g. I wish I could do sth. for you in return.

She helped me with my poor English and I in return treated her to Kentucky fried chicken.

in return for:以答谢

e.g. I'll send you some stamps in return for your kind help.

In return for her kindness, I decide to do sth, for her.

2、historical / historic


e.g. This is a historical play.

She is a member of historical society. (历史学会)

The film is based on historical events.


e.g. They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.

We visited some historic spots during our trip.

The severe battle made the city historic in Chinese history.

3、found / find

found (founded, founded):成立、创立、设立、创作

e.g. The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.

The hospital was founded in the 1980s.

The writer founded a novel on real facts.


e.g. The foundation of the hospital finished last year.

He wrote a report without foundation.

The Foundation is collecting money to help more students to go to college.

find (found, found):(偶然)发现、找到、

e.g. He found a watch on his way to school and he turned it in.

The thief disappeared, nowhere to be found again.

My friend found me a job in that store.

4、take place / happen / occur:发生

take place:并没有"偶然发生"之义,它常用来指:事先安排好的、可以预料的、事情发生、发展的必然趋势